Clear and Measurable Benefits
Risk Free Trial
- 5 Seats for you and chosen colleagues
No Credit Card Needed
No gated features or functionality
Works out of the box with 200+ common desktop applications
Supports any app you have on your desktop in seconds
ROI for the Business
- Reduce Turnover Costs
- Higher Productivity
- Reduce Accommodation Tool Count & Costs
- Go Beyond Compliance
Workforce Culture and Productivity Impact
- Foster Inclusion with Adaptive Technology
- Enhance Employee Well-Being for Better Performance
- Simplify Accommodations
- Strengthen DEI Initiatives
What Our Users are Saying
Other than Dragon I've never had any AT in my office, and I like Cephable better"
-Laurie, Business Owner
"[Cephable] Voice control is a tremendous help, the ease of just being able to begin what work I need to do without having to adjust settings from one task to another is amazing. The flow of it makes my work to feel effortless."
-Tifani, Retail Marketer
"There's so many other software packages out there that work like 70% of the time, well I can't do 70% of my job. So, when I'm working with Cephable, it kinda opened my world up."
Denise, Strategist
"Cephable affords me the opportunity to work MY way. The personalization is simply incredible and now I’m working smarter, not harder."
Nicole, Technical Writer