Installing on Mac

Presenter: Alex Dunn, Founder and CEO of Cephable

Goal: Understand the steps to download and install the Cephable desktop app onto your Mac

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What is Cephable?

Cephable is a software application you download onto your computer. It allows you to expand input functions beyond standard keyboard & mouse controls. You can use voice controls, voice dictation, face expressions, virtual buttons, motion controls and more!


Steps to Download & Install

Click the Mac Download link on the Cephable Website

If the file doesn’t download automatically, Click “Start Your Download Now”

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Go into Finder -> Downloads Folder Then, look for the Cephable .zip file

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable
A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Double click to open the .zip file. Inside you will see a file (It will have the Cephable Logo)

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Drag the Cephable .app file into your “Applications” folder

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Find your newly installed Cephable App in your Applications Folder by either searching in Spotlight and typing “Cephable” or Clicking into “Applications” within Finder and finding the “Cephable” app in the list. Double click to open.

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Now that you have downloaded, installed, and opened Cephable, you can create your account and start exploring your new inputs.


Additional Tips

Add Cephable to your Dock

You will get automatic updates when they become available – as long as you are connected to the internet.

Check out our other tutorials for more information on customizing your preferences and using your first controls within Cephable

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