Using Head Movement to Scroll a Webpage

Presenter: Julia Franklin, Chief Learning Officer

Goal: Gain overview knowledge of expression controls and use head movements to scroll a webpage. 

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Install Control Profile – Arrows

Additional Resource

The Deep Sea

Using Cephable’s Head Movement to Scroll a Webpage


Using Expression Controls  

You can use your computer’s existing camera to map any of the head/body movements or face expressions listed here directly to your keyboard or mouse buttons. You can even map one expression control to a keyboard shortcut that uses multiple keys.

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Practice Using Expression Controls  

Let’s practice using head movements today to scroll a webpage.  

Begin by adding the shared profile included with this tutorial to your account. “” and select it from the “Current Profile” dropdown menu on your home screen. 

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


View the Control Profile

Click on the pencil icon to take a look at what controls are included in this profile.


A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Expression Controls In This Profile

Inside this profile, you will see that we have two expression controls, “Tilt Your Head Forward” and “Tilt Your Head Back” that are mapped to the respective up/down arrow key + option key. This will press and briefly hold each arrow key each time you tilt your head up and down.

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Expression Controls In This Profile Cont.

It is important to note that the presence of the icon with the face+arrow indicates that there is an “expression control” present in this control profile. The other icon with the lines coming from the mouth, indicates that this profile also includes a voice control. You can watch our other tutorials for more on voice controls.

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Save Your Profile  

Next, click “Save and Finish” to return to the home screen.

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Start Expression Controls  

From the home screen, click “Start Expression Controls” You will then see a new window open that will show your face.

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Open the Website Resource  

Then, open the website shared with this tutorial. 

Note – make sure you are clicked into the webpage and not in the Cephable app window. 

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Practicing Expression Controls  

Now, you can tilt your head up and down and watch the screen scroll up and down.  

This is a fun website to explore and learn more about which animals live at different depths of the ocean. 

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable


Starting/Stopping Expression Controls  

If you would like to start/stop using expression controls, you can press the play/pause button within the window where you see your face.   

A visual reference map of the homepage of Cephable

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